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可控气氛是一种有机物质(主要是甲烷、丙烷或城市煤气等)不完全燃烧后的混合气体。就其工业分类可有吸热式气氛,放热式气氛以及氨分解气体等。目前在国外已被广泛用为热处理无氧化加热的介质,用为自动调节碳位的渗碳气氛以及材料的氰化等等。可控气氛在冶金、锻压等方面的应用也越来越多。使用可控气氛可以防止金属的氧化和烧损能大大提高材料的利用率;可以严格控制其质量显著提高工件的使用寿命;可以减少工件在加热过程中的脱碳及使表面光洁从而能减少工序提高生产率。总之,可控气氛已引起热处理生产的许多变革,出现了可控气氛热处理等新的技术领域。在近十几 The controlled atmosphere is a mixture of organic matter (mainly methane, propane or city gas, etc.) after the incomplete combustion. There may be an endothermic atmosphere, an exothermic atmosphere and an ammonia decomposition gas in its industrial classification. Currently in foreign countries has been widely used as the heat treatment of non-oxidizing heating medium, used to automatically adjust the carburizing atmosphere of carbon and cyanide materials and so on. Controllable atmosphere in metallurgy, forging and other aspects of the application is also more and more. The use of controlled atmosphere can prevent oxidation and burning of the metal can greatly improve the material utilization; can be strictly controlled its quality significantly improve the life of the workpiece; can reduce the decarburization of the workpiece in the heating process and make the surface smooth and thus can reduce the process Improve productivity. In conclusion, the controlled atmosphere has led to many changes in heat treatment production, and new technical fields such as controlled atmosphere heat treatment have emerged. Nearly a dozen
对管状零件进行扩口,如变形稍大些,管口容易破裂,尤其是一些口径小、管壁薄,而扩口直径要求又较大的零件更是如此。我厂产品中的导油管零件,材料为T3紫铜管(φ5×1), 其扩口
Wood of Chinese fir and poplar were liquefied in phenol at 150℃and atmospheric pressure. The liquefied wood were reacted with formaldehyde to synthesize the li
从中国南海软珊瑚Sarcophyton tortuosum中分离到一种新的多羟基甾醇——扭曲肉芝甾醇A(Sartortaosterol A),通过化学反应和四谱法推定其化学结构为24ξ-甲基-5α-胆甾烷-3α
我厂在制造φ529,φ720毫米螺旋管时成功地应用了 CO_2气体保护焊,生产稳定可靠,质量完全达到要求。采用粗丝 CO_2气体保护焊具有熔深大、生产效率高、成本低、质量好的特点
我厂熔模铸造生产的毛坯件,重量一般在十公斤左右,而且壁厚差大. I plant casting production of rough parts, the weight is generally about 10 kg, and the wall thickn
Baiyuneboites-(Ce) occurs in the REE--Fe--Nb ore deposits at Baiyunebo, Inner Mongolia. As a newmineral--NaBaCe_2,[Fl(CO_3)_4], it is a Na--Ba--REE(Ce-series )
北京既是青年林则徐得以入仕的起点,又是其接受传统文化教育的重要场所,更是其系国事于一身、临危受命之地。  “苟利国家生死以,岂因祸福避趋之”出自于林则徐《赴戍登程口占示家人》诗句,意思是:倘使有利于国家,我可以用生命作贡献,怎能因为遇祸就避开,是福就趋前呢?  1837年(道光十七年)英国再次爆发资本主义经济危机,鸦片输入的数量骤增。2月,53岁的林则徐入京觐见道光皇帝,林则徐的奏折中指出:鸦片“