非酒精性脂肪性肝病(NAFLD)是以过量脂质在肝细胞内堆积为特征的连续疾病谱,可由单纯的肝脂肪变性发展为非酒精性脂肪性肝炎,并可进一步进展为肝纤维化、肝硬化、甚至肝细胞癌.动物模型可模拟不同病因以及NAFLD每个阶段的组织病理学和病理生理学改变,为了解NAFLD发病机制和治疗措施提供关键性的指导.目前尚缺乏能完整模仿疾病谱的理想动物模型,介绍了NAFLD及相关肝癌的最常用和最新的动物模型,并结合动物模型中NAFLD的实验性发病机制总结了可能的治疗靶点,希望能为进一步探讨NAFLD发病机制和治疗提供依据.“,”Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD)is a continuous disease spectrum characterized by the accumulation of excessive lipid in hepatocytes. Simple hepatic steatosis may progress to NAFLD and even liver fibrosis,liver cirrhosis,and finally hepatocellular carcinoma. Animal models can simulate different causes and histopathological and pathophysiological changes in each stage of NAFLD and thus provide critical guidance for understanding the pathogenesis of NAFLD and selecting therapeutic measures. At present,there are still no ideal animal models that can simulate the whole disease spectrum. This article introduces the most frequently used and recently developed animal models for NAFLD and NAFLD - induced liver cancer and summarizes possible therapeutic targets with reference to the experimental pathogenesis of NAFLD in animal models,in order to provide a basis for further research on the pathogenesis and treatment of NAFLD.