C4FM是目前市场上爱好者们比较喜欢的对讲机的一种调制方式,在专业数字化对讲机应用中也有比较成熟的使用历史。美国数字对讲机制式Project 25(简称P25)的第一版标准就采用了C4FM的调制方式。在摩托罗拉ASTRO等数字对讲机产品中就广泛的应用了C4FM的调制方式。随着YAESU公司的FT1D、FT2DR、FT-991、FTM-400DR、FTM-100DR等收发信机以及DR-1X和HRI-200中继台设备的不断推出,C4FM也成为我国业余无线电爱好者
C4FM is currently a hobby lovers on the market more like a modulation of the walkie-talkie in the professional application also has a more mature use history. The first version of the standard Digital Intercom Project 25 (P25) uses the C4FM modulation method. In Motorola ASTRO and other digital walkie-talkie products widely used C4FM modulation. With YAESU’s FT1D, FT2DR, FT-991, FTM-400DR, FTM-100DR and other transceivers and DR-1X and HRI-200 relay station equipment continues to be introduced, C4FM also become amateur radio enthusiasts in China