在足球史上,每年都有许多纪录不断被后来者打破,真可谓是“江山代有才人出,各领风骚数十年。”但是有一些足球纪录看来将难以被打破,以下就是10个被认为是再难超越的纪录:1、年龄最大的国脚 1920年比利·梅雷迪夫代表威尔士队在格贝利球场出战英格兰队时,已往45岁零229天。而现在一名门将比赛至40岁已是难能可贵,一代巨星马特乌斯39岁时代表德国队比赛就显得心有余而力不足,更无需说其他参加国际比赛的高龄球员。2、观众最多的比赛 在1950年第4届世界杯赛上,共有1,998,540名观众光临了位于里约热内卢州的马拉卡纳体育场观看巴西队与乌拉圭队的决赛,
In football history, many records are constantly being broken by latecomers every year, which is truly “a generation with leading talent on the island.” But there are some football records that will be hard to break. The following are 10 Is considered difficult to exceed the record: 1, the oldest international In 1920 Billy · Mereddyv on behalf of the Welsh team at Gerberley Stadium played in England, the age of 45 years and zero 229 days. And now a goalkeeper game to the age of 40 has been commendable, a generation of star Matthus 39 years old on behalf of the German team competition is more than enough effort, not to mention other elite players to participate in international competitions. 2. The Most Spectator Match In the 1950 FIFA World Cup 4,1998,540 spectators visited the final of Brazil and Uruguay at Maracana Stadium in Rio de Janeiro,