日本经济最新一次回升始于1999年,终于2001年。陷日本经济于新一轮衰退的元凶,江瑞平和张舒英分别从六个方面加以了分析: 第一个原因是企业经营状况在恶化。从1999开始的日本经济回升过程中有一个特点,即“企业先行,家计滞后”,也就是说和企业相关的一些经济指标如企业的盈利水平、设备投资等都非常好,成为带动景气回升的支柱。但和家庭相关的一些指标比如家庭收入、家庭消费支出都很差,而成为景气回升的一个累
The latest rebound in Japan’s economy began in 1999 and finally in 2001. The culprit of the Japanese economy in a new round of recession, Jiang Ruiping and Zhang Shuying were analyzed from six aspects: The first reason is the deterioration of business conditions. One of the characteristics of Japan’s economic recovery from 1999 onwards is that “the enterprise is ahead of others and the household is lagging behind.” In other words, some economic indicators related to the enterprise such as the profitability of enterprises and equipment investment are very good and have become the driving force for economic recovery Pillar. However, some household-related indicators such as household income and household consumption expenditures are very poor, and have become a tired economy