Few scholars have been able to surpass Gilroy in race-based ethnicity in Africa, and even in the field of disseminated research. This is due to his experience of pursuing Stuart Hall’s study of racial issues while studying at the Birmingham Center for Cultural Studies, coupled with his relationship with black lineages. Based on black studies, Gilroy always considered race and dispersal issues from a broader context, so his thinking always showed a macroscopic and globalized characteristic. Based on this, Gilroy endeavored to integrate black ethnicity into the mainstream British history and opposed racism as an important source of ethnic inequality. At the same time, in today’s world In his context, he advocates a race-free state that transcends the boundaries of skin color, or what it calls “planetary humanism” or “cosmopolitanism.” Divided from the time, the development of its ideas can be roughly classified as inheritance research, innovative expansion of research and sustainable research in three stages, these three stages is a relationship between inheritance and development.