“断觉东风料峭寒,青蒿黄韭试春盘。”这是宋代大文豪苏东坡描写春韭的诗句:在春寒料峭之时,有鲜嫩清香的韭菜作为早春时节的盘中餐。韭菜,又名起阳草、草钟乳、扁菜、生长韭等,为百合科植物韭菜的茎叶。在民间,韭菜有着“春菜第一美食”之称。韭菜营养丰富,500克韭菜含蛋白质5~10克、糖5~30克、维生素A 20毫克、维生素C 89毫克、胡萝卜素16毫克、钙263毫克、磷212毫克以及挥发油等。它还有调味、杀菌的功效。
“This is the song of the Spring Festival, the great writer Su Dongpo description of the poem: When the chill in the spring, there are fresh and fragrant leeks as early spring season dishes. Leek, also known as the positive grass, grass bell milk, flat vegetables, growing leek, leek for the lily stems and leaves of plants. In folk, chives with ”spring dish first food " said. Leek nutrient-rich, 500 grams of leeks with protein 5 to 10 grams of sugar 5 to 30 grams of vitamin A 20 mg vitamin C 89 mg carotene 16 mg calcium 263 mg phosphorus 212 mg and volatile oil. It also has seasoning, bactericidal effect.