公元 1917年 2月 2 8日清晨 5点钟 ,末代沙皇尼古拉二世乘专列从大本营所在地莫吉廖夫出发 ,打算回到皇村 ,与朝思暮想的皇后阿莉克斯聚首。由于局势混乱 ,安全不保 ,他一路绕行 ,但最终也未能回到皇村 ,而是阻留在北部方面军驻地普斯科夫。尼古拉动身前就接到了军部大臣别利亚耶夫发自京城彼得格勒的电报 ,说“暴乱分子占领了玛丽娅宫 ,大臣们有的逃散了 ,有的被捕了。”他派遣侍卫将军伊万诺夫去镇压首都的“暴乱分子”。这位相貌酷似俄国历史上爱国英雄米宁的大胡子将军 ,在皇帝面前拍着胸脯保证马到成功 ,实际上却大耍滑头 ,怯懦避战 ,磨磨蹭蹭 ,而这时候 ,彼得格勒、喀琅施塔得、卢加等地的动乱越演越烈 ;各派政治力量围绕着君主立宪制、帝位继承人、新政府人员组成、总理人选等重大问题展开了激烈的明争暗斗。尼古拉一路上得到的尽是坏消息 :从海军司令涅佩宁、各方面军总司令到总参谋长阿列克谢耶夫一致同意尼古拉退位 ,由年幼多病的太子阿列克赛继位 ,米哈伊尔公爵摄政 ,成立责任内阁 ;掌管近卫军团的基里尔公爵率队到塔夫里达宫去拥护以罗江科为首的国家杜马临时委员会 ;沙皇私人卫队的一部分也投降了。末代沙皇真的是众叛亲离、穷途末路了。3月 1日晚上将近 8点钟 ,尼古拉来到普斯科夫火车站?
February 5, 1917 At 5 o’clock in the morning on February 28, the last Tsar Nicholas II flew by train from its home base Mogilev, intending to return to the royal village, and dreaming of Queen Alex. As a result of the chaos and insecurity, he circumnavigated the road but eventually failed to return to the imperial estate but to stay in Pskov, a unit of the North Army. Prior to his departure, Nicola received a telegram from Military Minister Beliyayev from Petrograd in the capital city that “the insurgents had occupied the palace of Maria, some of the ministers had escaped and some had been arrested.” He Dispatch guerrilla general Ivanov to suppress the “insurgency” in the capital. The bearded General, who looks like the patriotic hero Minin in Russian history, pampered in front of the emperor to ensure the success of the horse, actually shuffled and timidly avoided the war. At this time, Petrograd, Krona The turmoil in Stade, Luga and other places intensified. The political forces of various factions launched fierce battles in the vicious circle over major issues such as constitutional monarchy, heir to the throne, composition of the new government, and selection of the prime minister. Nicolas got all the bad news all the way from the commander of the Navy, Nerpei Ning, commander in chief of all quarters to the chief of staff Alekseyev unanimously agreed to Nicolas abdicated by the sick sick Prince Alek Following the throne, the Duke of Mikhail regency, the establishment of the responsibility of the cabinet; guerrilla regiment of Kiril led the team led to Tatyana Palace to support Luojiang Branch headed by the National Duma Provisional Committee; part of the Tsar Private Guard Also surrendered. The last Tsarist was a true betrayal, the dead end. Nearly 8 o’clock on the night of March 1, Nikolai came to Pskov railway station?