高等中西医函授面向全国招生为弘扬祖国医学,培养专业技术人才,满足广大青年参加晋升考核应聘和开业的需要,以下专业继续招生: 1.中医专业和中西医结合,祖国医学疗效卓著,深受世界人民欢迎。本专业选用的全国高等院校教材,与自学考试紧密配合,各科均由专业教授辅导教学,参加自考及格者,国家承认其大专学历。 2.针灸推拿骨伤专业,以其独特的疗效成为世界热门,教材博采众家手法技巧,医理精深,价值极高;五百幅精巧图像,静中有动,将各种手法描绘得一目了然,如临其境,使您易学易懂得便于使用。
Higher Integrative Medicine for the National Admissions In order to promote the motherland medicine, nurture professional and technical personnel to meet the majority of young people to participate in the examination and appointment opening and promotion needs, the following professional continue enrollment: 1. Chinese medicine and traditional Chinese and Western medicine, outstanding results of the motherland medicine, deeply World people welcome. The professional selection of national institutions of higher learning teaching materials, and self-study examinations closely, all subjects are taught by professional professors to participate in self-test pass, the state recognizes its college education. 2. Acupuncture and Moxibustion osteoporosis professional, with its unique curative effect has become the world’s hottest, teaching materials adopt all the techniques, profound medical treatment, high value; five hundred exquisite images, static move, all kinds of tactics at a glance , Immersive, so that you easy to learn and easy to understand.