This article analyzes and discusses the use and sources of two special usage of “yes ” in “Xun Shi Ping Hua ” and the correlation between other Korean Chinese textbooks in the Yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasties and the modern Northwest dialect (Linxia dialect) Language phenomena were investigated. Considering the relationship between time and assumptions and the further development of the topic tagging usage based on the above, we conclude that the lexicon of “” is the grammar of “时 ”, It is the result of the evolution of the internal phonetics and grammar within the Chinese language, not because the two languages are homonyms in Korean. “Yes ” used as a subject or topic tag has external causes related to the language contact. The “Yes” of this usage should be that the Korean Chinese textbook writer should bring the mother-of-the-world grid tagging component into Chinese the result of. In fact, the “yes” for both uses reflect the different outcomes that result from different motivations, both internal and external, in the evolution of the language. Therefore, it is necessary to pay attention to distinguish the changes of Chinese itself and those brought by language contact.