商业竞争变得越来越像是一场快棋赛,只有对各种战略模式了然于胸、迅速应对才能赢得先机。 1997年5月,卡斯帕罗夫,这位当今世上最伟大的国际象棋运动员被IBM公司科研人员研制的“深蓝”所击败。从“深蓝”的胜利中,我们可以得到的另类启示是:“深蓝”的胜利是基于迅速地判断和理解各种模式。众所周知,在国际象棋的对局中,由于每一着棋都有几十种可能的走法,而每一种走法又会有数十种可能的应对方式,因此棋手必须集中注意力排除那些不相关的情景
Business competition has become more and more like a fast game, and it is only by knowing the various strategic models that it can quickly respond to gain the upper hand. In May 1997, Kasparov, the greatest chess player in the world today, was defeated by “Deep Blue” developed by IBM researchers. From the “dark blue” victory, we can get the alternative inspiration is: “dark blue ” victory is based on the rapid determination and understanding of various modes. As we all know, in the game of chess, because each chess has dozens of possible moves, and each move will have dozens of possible ways to deal with, so players must focus on the exclusion Those irrelevant scenarios