摘要选取资金不足风险厌恶的零售商为研究对象,在零售商选取银行贷款的融资模式下假定市场需求是随机的, 应用CVaR风险准则计算零售商的最优订货量,并与风险中性时零售商的最优订货量进行对比, 得出在银行贷款融资方式下, 风险厌恶的零售商的订货量小于风险中性的最优订货量,并进一步分析出现这种结果的原因.对全文得到的结论进行总结,指出文中得到的理念结果可为供应链企业提供决策的参考依据,并进一步指出未来的研究方向.
关键词外部融资; 风险厌恶的零售商; CVaR
中图分类号F110.20 文献标识码A
AbstractThe ordering level of a riskaverse retailer with budget constraints was considered.The retailer faces the random demand and borrows funds from bank. Different from the existing research, in the framework of the valueatrisk (CVaR), the optimal ordering level was obtained. It’s found that the optimal ordering level of risk averse retailer is lower than the risk neutral, and the reason is also analyzed. Then the sensibility analysis of the optimal ordering level was obtained with the parameter. Finally a summary of the full paper is obtained. It is pointed out that the theoretical results in the paper is useful for the decisionmakers in reality. At the same time, further research dirction is proposed.
Key wordsexternal financial; risk averse retailer; CVaR
传统的供应链研究不考虑企业的资金流,而一般假设其资金是充足的.Caldentey和Haugh1指出在实际的供应链管理中资金约束是普遍存在的问题,如果忽略资金的约束讨论供应链企业的生产运营决策问题,是与实际情况严重不符的.Babich 和Sobel2,Buzacott 和 Zhang3. 于2004年发表在《Management Science》的研究成果分别考虑了受资金约束的企业的决策,这也表明该研究领域开始受到重视.随后,各国学者从不同角度分别展开研究.Xu 和Brige4在需求不确定和市场不完美时,讨论了企业的融资和生产的联合决策.Xu
关键词外部融资; 风险厌恶的零售商; CVaR
中图分类号F110.20 文献标识码A
AbstractThe ordering level of a riskaverse retailer with budget constraints was considered.The retailer faces the random demand and borrows funds from bank. Different from the existing research, in the framework of the valueatrisk (CVaR), the optimal ordering level was obtained. It’s found that the optimal ordering level of risk averse retailer is lower than the risk neutral, and the reason is also analyzed. Then the sensibility analysis of the optimal ordering level was obtained with the parameter. Finally a summary of the full paper is obtained. It is pointed out that the theoretical results in the paper is useful for the decisionmakers in reality. At the same time, further research dirction is proposed.
Key wordsexternal financial; risk averse retailer; CVaR
传统的供应链研究不考虑企业的资金流,而一般假设其资金是充足的.Caldentey和Haugh1指出在实际的供应链管理中资金约束是普遍存在的问题,如果忽略资金的约束讨论供应链企业的生产运营决策问题,是与实际情况严重不符的.Babich 和Sobel2,Buzacott 和 Zhang3. 于2004年发表在《Management Science》的研究成果分别考虑了受资金约束的企业的决策,这也表明该研究领域开始受到重视.随后,各国学者从不同角度分别展开研究.Xu 和Brige4在需求不确定和市场不完美时,讨论了企业的融资和生产的联合决策.Xu