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非言语交际是指人们使用语言、文字以外的媒介来传递讯息;而人们在交际过程中经常使用的一种非言语交际手段就是体态语言,同时是跨文化交际的重要组成部分。在现实生活中,导游服务可以被视为集表演、语言和综合艺术于一身的一门艺术。其中体态语言恰恰是学生较难掌握的技能之一。在强化学习效果、提高教学质量为目的的教学中,体态语言对学生有种潜移默化的影响。本文将从表情的体态语言、手势的体态语言和姿态的体态语言来说明其在教学中的运用。 Non-verbal communication refers to the use of language, text other than the media to convey the message; and people often use a non-verbal communication means in the communication process is the body language, is also an important part of intercultural communication. In real life, tour guides can be considered as an art that combines acting, language and comprehensive art. Body language which is precisely one of the skills harder for students to master. In strengthening the learning effect and improving the quality of teaching for the purpose of teaching, body language has a subtle influence on students. This essay will illustrate its application in teaching from body language of gestures, body language of gestures and body language of gestures.
陆丰碣石玄武山,是粤东闻名海内外的一处宗教圣地,又是一座众人称颂的艺术殿堂。近日有幸重游玄武山,再次领略到玄武山赋予的性灵!  玄武山元山寺巍然屹立的北大门左侧,前几年新建了一栋3000多平方米的文化展览馆,设有书画院、书画展厅、文物展厅、图书馆等。玄武山管委会副主任、书法家潘升涛带领我们首先参观了书画院,这间充满书香味的大型书画房里,一位年轻画家正在画一幅“大肚罗汉常乐图”,画作已成形,笔画简洁