Unexpected situation, people have good and bad fortune, it seems that no one can clearly know what will happen around the computer as well. Of course, here we do not want to discuss a large number of software bugs, cumbersome hardware failure, I want to tell you is to protect your computer, do not let accidental power outages to affect your normal work. Users who believe in living in cities for a long time often encounter such problems. When you’re excited to have such a powerful processing power on your computer, “Doom” quietly comes down, a momentous moment, Your computer suddenly stopped working, a closer look, turned out to be dead, the biggest feeling at this time is “angry.” Of course, there are many reasons for a blackout. For example, your kitten knocked out a loose plug or an accidental reimbursement of a fuse. Of course, the most insurmountable issue is a regional blackout. But all kinds of reasons will only bring about one result, that is