
来源 :法律适用 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:aridan
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物权变动无论采意思主义还是形式主义,区分原则还是同一原则,均以意思要素和形式要素为其构成,都将形式要素作为决定性因素解决最终争议。在一国的立法与司法中,公示手段的意义不同也对相关理论及实践的形成起着决定作用。目前,对我国物权变动债权形式主义进行调整的时机已经成熟,应结合当前登记制度施行的及建立公证事先审查制度,排除不完全的继受带来的体系上的问题,认可独立的物权行为。 No matter taking aesthetics or formalism, the principle of distinction is the same principle. Both of them are composed of meaning elements and formal elements, and formal elements are the decisive factors to solve the final dispute. In the legislation and judicature of a country, the significance of the means of publicity also plays a decisive role in the formation of relevant theories and practices. At present, the time is ripe for the adjustment of the formalism of claims changes in real rights in China. In combination with the current registration system and the establishment of a system of notarial examination beforehand, system problems arising from incomplete inheritance should be ruled out and the independent property rights should be approved behavior.
一个好的问题,往往能成为教师、学生、文本之间深度对话的导火线、情感撞击的迸发源、思想交汇的聚合点。在语文课堂教学中,教师应从文本出发,根据课堂教学内容,根据文本学习的阶段实际,巧设问题,妙设问题,以达成有思辨有深度有活力的语文课堂。  一、 要使问题插入文本,选点激思  如何组织好课堂教学,使其产生引人入胜、魅力无穷的效果呢?笔者认为,要选点突破,要使问题设计插入文本。“突破点”是线索,是窗口,可