自1901年英国考古学家斯坦因(Aurel Stein)首次闯入尼雅遗址以来,这里不断有大批佉卢文书被发现。经编号、解读并刊出者已达七二八件。其中包括国王敕谕、官府文书、契约、公私往来书信和佛教文学作品等等。1986年夏,我赴南疆考察时,有幸见到一件写在木牍上的佉卢文契约。该木牍原来一直存放在民丰县文化馆,现已转交和田地区文管所收藏。我在该所文物陈列室见到它时,尚未及编号。据介绍,这件木牍是新疆民丰县委宣传部的李学华同志,于1981年在民丰北部沙漠深处的尼雅遗址发现的,出土的确切地点不详。承蒙和田文管所所长热吉甫和阿得力·买木提同志介绍上述情况,协助拍摄照片,并委托解读文书内容。现将研究结果介绍如下。
Since the first rupture of the Niya ruins by the British archeologist Aurel Stein in 1901, a large number of Romanian documents have been found here. The number, interpretation and publication has reached seven hundred twenty-eight. Among them are King Encyclopaedia, official documents, contracts, public-private correspondence and Buddhist literature. In the summer of 1986, when I went to visit southern Xinjiang, I was fortunate enough to see a 佉Luven contract written on wooden clogs. The clogs originally kept in the Minfeng County Cultural Center, has now been transferred to the collection of texts in the Hotan area. When I saw it in the cultural relics showroom, I had not yet numbered it. According to reports, this piece of clogs is Comrade Li Xuehua, a Propaganda Department of Minfeng County in Xinjiang. It was discovered in 1981 at the Niya Site in the depths of Minfeng’s northern desert. The exact spot unearthed was unknown.承蒙 and Tian Wen tube director of heat Ji Fu and Adrien Buy Muti comrades to introduce the above situation, to assist in taking pictures, and entrusted to interpret the contents of the instrument. Now the research results are as follows.