在工间休息时,拿一本书读读,那简直是一种享受。对我们档案工作者来说,最爱读自己的书——《湖南档案》。 每当收发员送来几本《湖南档案》,职工们顿时停止闲侃声,争相抢阅,并专心致志地看起这本书来。有时,一本《湖南档案》不知翻阅了多少次,书上已沾满了油渍,纸张有些发黄了、破旧了、文字也不大清晰了,还被视为“宝贝”。你看了,他又看。真是“爱不释手”。
When you take a break from work, read a book and it is simply a treat. For our archivists, I love to read my own book, “Hunan Archives.” Whenever the sender send a few “Hunan file”, employees suddenly stop idly, competing to snatch, and concentrate on looking at the book. Sometimes, a “Hunan file” I do not know how many times read, the book has been stained with grease, some yellow paper, shabby, the text is not clear, but also as “baby.” You see, he looked again. Really “put it down.”