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随着我国社会经济文化的快速发展,人们越来越清晰的意识到小学语文教学是小学生的启蒙教育阶段,对学生以后的终身发展有很大的影响。因此,新课程改革理念下,必须重视小学时期学生能力的培养和潜能的挖掘。同时,小学语文是一门综合性较强的科目,对学生的思维表达能力和综合能力的发展都有着潜移默化的作用,这便凸显出小学语文教学的重要性,而本文便是笔者结合教学实践总结出的关于小学语文教学中对于学生潜能发掘存在的问题,以及优化的策略。 With the rapid development of social economy and culture in our country, people are becoming more and more aware of the fact that primary language teaching is a stage of enlightenment for primary school students and has a great impact on lifelong students’ future development. Therefore, under the concept of the new curriculum reform, we must pay attention to the cultivation of students’ abilities and the excavation of potential in the primary school. At the same time, primary language is a comprehensive subject with a subtle influence on students’ ability of thinking expression and development of comprehensive abilities, which highlights the importance of Chinese teaching in primary schools. This article is the author of the combination of teaching practice Summarizes the problems existing in exploring the potential of students in Chinese teaching in primary schools and the strategies of optimization.
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