最近我们组织了一个听课小组,听了黄笃清老师三节语文课。一篇长达1400多字的情书比较复杂、含义比较深刻的“将相和”,黄老师只用三个教时教完了。第一节,准备谈话:介绍时代背景,讲述课文大意,处理一部分生字新词,范读、试读,以及进行读后谈话等工作,使学生较全面地理解了课文内容;第二节,在第一节的基础上,全面地分析了人物性格,揭示了主题;第三节,着重指导儿童做了编写段落大意、复述、朗读、总结等工作,使儿童对全篇作品获得了更完整更深刻的领会。在三节课中,大家一致认为黄老师的分析课教得更为出色。黄老师的分析课为什么博得大家的好评呢? 首先是黄老师较深入地钻研了教材,掌握了教材的精神实质。“将相和”是一篇文艺性教材,是我国一个有名的历史故事。作者叙述了蔺相如一生的三件大事:完璧归赵;渑池屈秦;与廉颇交欢。在一次集体钻研的小组会上,同志们提出了各种
Recently, we organized a lecture group to listen to Huang Lanqing’s three language lessons. A more than 1,400-word love letter is more complex and more profound in meaning, and will be used by three teachers. In the first section, prepare for the conversation: introduce the background of the times, talk about the meaning of the texts, deal with some new words in the new words, reading, reading, reading and talking, etc., so that the students can understand the contents of the text more comprehensively. In the second section, On the basis of the first section, a comprehensive analysis of the character and the theme was revealed. In the third section, the children were given instructions on how to compose paragraph passages, retelling, reading, and summarizing, so that children could obtain a more complete picture of the whole work. Deep understanding. In all three classes, everyone agreed that Professor Huang’s analysis course taught better. Why is Huang’s analysis class winning praise from everyone? The first is that Huang has studied the teaching materials in more depth and mastered the spiritual essence of the teaching materials. “The Xianghe” is a literary textbook and is a well-known historical story in China. The writer described three major events in the life of Zang Xiangru: complete dynasty and return to Zhao; Qiu Chi Qu Qin; and Lim Po. At a group study, the comrades proposed various