林甸地区甜菜原料生产远远满足不了制糖生产的需要,其主要原因是甜菜单产不高,因此,必须以提高甜菜单产为目 的,狠抓常规技术的落实和普及推广甜菜高产栽培新技术,才是解决糖厂原料不足的根本出路。甜菜高产栽培要点是:一、在常规种植基础上,重点抓好以下技术措施:1.浅翻深松:先浅翻15~20cm,再深松35~40cm,改变土壤耕层结构,
The production of sugar beet farms in Lindian far can not meet the needs of sugar production. The main reason is that the production of sugar beet is not high. Therefore, it is necessary to improve the production of sugar beet, pay close attention to the implementation of conventional technologies and popularize new techniques of high- It is the fundamental solution to the shortage of raw materials in sugar factories. Beet high yield cultivation points are: First, on the basis of conventional planting, focusing on the following technical measures: 1. Shallow deep pine: the first shallow turn 15 ~ 20cm, then deep loose 35 ~ 40cm, change the structure of soil plow,