王鹏举,工艺美术家,1948年生,北京人。 20世纪80年代初,格调低俗、题材单一,颜料易结块脱落的深色丝绒油画泛滥于市。王鹏举反其道而行之,经悉心研究和艰苦探索,在克服重重困难之后,终于成功地开拓了中国画创作材料的新途径,首创丝绒国画。他的丝绒国画选用华贵典雅的白丝绒代替传统的宣纸和绢帛进行绘制,在国内外画坛和工艺美术界独树一帜,堪称一绝。
Wang Pengju, arts and crafts, born in 1948, Beijing. In the early 1980s, dark-colored velvet oil paintings, which were vulgar and of a single theme, were easy to agglomerate and fall off in the city. After careful research and painstaking exploration, Wang Pengju succeeded in opening up new avenues for Chinese painting materials and pioneered velvet Chinese painting after careful study and hard exploration. His velvet Chinese paintings use luxurious and elegant white velvet instead of traditional rice paper and silk silk to draw. It is unique in the world of painting and arts and crafts at home and abroad.