八月十五是我国传统的中秋佳节,在这一天,古人用祭月,赏月,吃月饼来酬节。 清代宫廷视中秋节为全年中仅次于元旦的重要节日。每到中秋,皇帝、皇后亲率宫中诸人祭月、拜月自不必多说,仅所吃的月饼就有很多讲究。 清宫月饼种类很多,有用香油和面制成的香油酥皮月饼,也有用精炼后的奶油和面制成的奶酥油月饼,还有猪油和面制成的月饼。馅料亦很丰富,有糖馅、果馅(蜜饯果脯)、澄沙、枣馅,还有芝麻椒盐的甜
August 15 is the traditional Mid-Autumn Festival in our country. On this day, the ancients used the festival to enjoy the moon and enjoy the moon cake. The Qing court as the Mid-Autumn Festival is the year after New Year’s Day important holiday. Every Mid-Autumn Festival, the emperor and his empress rate the palace to offer sacrifices to the gods and worship the moon. Since they need not say much, they only pay attention to the mooncakes they eat. There are many kinds of Qing moon cakes, including sesame crackers made from sesame oil and noodles, as well as butter cakes with refined cream and noodles, moon cakes made from lard and noodles. Stuffing is also very rich, with sugar filling, fruit filling (preserved candied fruit), Cheng sand, jujube stuffing, as well as sesame salt and pepper sweet