1967年,Tietze 首先将生命表统计法应用于宫内节育器(以下称IUD)的效果评定,1973年经改进后成为当前国际上IUD 的标准统计法。此法在我国应用尚不普遍,本文结合我院对IUD 临床效果的评价,介绍生命表统计方法及统计中的注意事项。一、IUD 临床效果统计的注意事项1.随访。随访的方法有信访、电话访、家访、门诊访。前三种随访是凭带器者本人主诉,对IUD脱落或早孕有可能遗漏;门诊随访可作妇科检查、超声、X 检查,因此对诊断比较客观。若门诊随访达100%,则统计结果就可靠;若失访率高(1年高于10%,2年高于15%),则得出的效果的正确性是有
In 1967, Tietze firstly applied life table statistics to the evaluation of IUD (IUD), and in 1973, it became the standard statistical method of IUD in the world. This method is not yet widely used in our country, this article combined with our hospital on the evaluation of the clinical effect of IUD, introduced the life table statistics and statistical considerations. First, the IUD clinical effect of statistical considerations 1. Follow-up. Follow-up methods are letters, telephone calls, home visits, out-patient visits. The first three types of follow-up are with their own complaints with the device, IUD missing or early pregnancy may be missed; out-patient follow-up for gynecological examination, ultrasound, X examination, so the diagnosis is more objective. If the outpatient visits up to 100%, the statistical results are reliable; if the loss of follow-up rate (1 year higher than 10%, 2 years higher than 15%), then the effect is correct