This article summarizes the surgical treatment of 13 cases of neonatal teratoma of the sacrococcygeal sulcus. It is proposed that the “crescent” incision can fully expose the operative field. After the suture, the incision is far away from the anus to prevent fecal contamination and placement drainage can effectively prevent incision infection. Removal of the coccyx and complete removal of the tumor tissue are the key to prevent tumor recurrence. If the anterior mass is too large, a combined abdomen incision should be made to ensure that the tumor is not completely removed or the accessory injury is caused. Surgery should pay attention to protect the gluteus and its vascular nerves to prevent rectal injury, emphasizing that can not be made around the anus to remove large chunks of tissue so as not to damage the external anal sphincter, if any damage should be carefully repaired. Emphasis on reconstruction of the anal ligament to properly fix it with the sacrum and rectum prevents pelvic floor sagging and pelvic organ sagging.