语言伴随人类社会的产生而产生,发展而发展。语言是一种社会现象。语言是思想的直接现实,是交流思想的工具,是社会斗争和生产斗争的武器,是信息系统的载体。人们的生产、生活、学习、工作,时刻离不开语言。 方言志在地方志中是体现地方特点的重要组成部分。方言志帮助了解本地方言的面貌、特征、渊源、演变。 郴州方言志分郴州地区汉语概况、郴州地区汉语语音、郴州地区汉语词汇、郴州地区汉语语法。
Language with the emergence of human society arising from, development and development. Language is a social phenomenon. Language is a direct reality of thought, a tool of exchanging ideas, a weapon of social struggle and productive struggle, and a carrier of information system. People’s production, living, learning, work, time can not be separated from the language. Dialect in dialects is an important part of local characteristics. Dialect helps to understand the face of local dialects, features, origin, evolution. Chenzhou dialect Zhi Chenzhou area of Chinese profiles, Chenzhou area Chinese pronunciation, Chenzhou area Chinese vocabulary, Chenzhou area Chinese grammar.