2013年9月29日,无锡市中医医院迎来建院半个多世纪的重大飞跃——医院整体搬迁,新院全面启用。作为全市重要民生工程及中医药发展标志性工程,新建成的无锡市中医医院占地面积7.2万m~2,总建筑面积16.22万m~2,核定床位1 200张(启用阶段开放900张),居江苏省内地市级中医院前列。(1)建筑形象传播文化理念。医院设计将现代建筑美学与中国传统文化有机结合。门急诊综合楼设计大气,立面形象寓意中医虚怀若谷、海纳百川的博大胸怀;住院楼别具一格,象征全市中医药医、教、研中心的王者之势,整体形象体现了刚柔并济、阴平阳秘的中医传统理念。内部设计采用江南庭院风格,汲取古典文化精髓,院内的中医文化巨幅石雕、中医名家砂岩壁画、中医药文化长廊、中医药百草园等营造了浓厚的中医药文化氛围。医院建筑设计倡导绿色低碳的环保理念,全院自然通风采光率达到95%以上,楼宇内部采用了太阳能发热转换、能源及水回收再利用、节能空调、屋顶花园、Low-E中空玻璃、智能化照明控制系统等节能减排设施。
On September 29, 2013, Wuxi Chinese Medicine Hospital ushered in a major leap forward for more than half a century of establishing a hospital - the hospital was relocated as a whole, and the new hospital was fully opened. As an important project of people’s livelihood in the city and a symbolic project for the development of Chinese medicine, the newly built Wuxi TCM Hospital covers an area of 72,000 m 2, with a total construction area of 162,200 m 2, 1,200 beds approved (opening phase 900) , Ranking Jiangsu Province in the forefront of municipal hospitals. (1) The building image dissemination of cultural ideas. The hospital design combines modern architectural aesthetics with Chinese traditional culture. Outpatient building unique style, a symbol of the city’s medical Chinese medicine, teaching, research center of the King of the trend, the overall image of the rigid and flexible, Yin and Yang Yang secret Traditional Chinese medicine concept. The interior design adopts the style of the southern courtyard, absorbing the quintessence of classical culture, huge stone carving of traditional Chinese medicine in the hospital, famous sandstone murals of Chinese medicine practitioners, traditional Chinese medicine culture promenade, and Chinese herbal medicine Baicao Garden to create a strong culture of traditional Chinese medicine. The architectural design of the hospital advocates the concept of green and low-carbon environment. The natural ventilation rate of the whole courtyard reaches more than 95%. The interior of the building adopts solar thermal conversion, energy and water recycling, energy saving air conditioning, roof garden, Low-E insulating glass, Lighting control systems and other energy-saving emission reduction facilities.