SMART principle is the principle of goal management. “SMART” is an abbreviation of five English letters (S = Specific, M = Measurable, A = Achievable, R = Relevant, T = Time- “Quantitative ”, “Achievable ”, “measurability ”, “Relevance ”, “Time Limit ” five principles .SMART principles and language teaching are linked: S = Specific , That is, the teaching of specific and detailed principles.Pre-lesson preview, teaching objectives, the key difficulties are specific.M = Measurable, teaching effectiveness and teaching objectives must be measurable, the goal should be clear, not fuzzy, there should be a A clear description of the group as a basis for measuring whether or not the goal is achieved A = Achievable, teaching effectiveness, teaching objectives, teaching process must be achievable, and students can accept and through hard work R = Relevant, teaching process and objectives are Reasonable and viable, not only overestimate the conditions of students, the development of inappropriate can not achieve the goal, not too much emphasis on student deficiencies, the realization of the target reduced .T = Time-based, the goal of achieving a time-limited , To complete the teaching objectives and learning tasks within the prescribed time. Follow SM ART principles, you can build a vivid and efficient language class.