百年大计,教育为本。为了更好地贯彻科教兴国的战略方针,我们必须加强教师队伍的建设,提高教师队伍的质量。为此,本文通过对甘肃省某医学院教职员工10 a死亡原因统计分析,旨在为今后制定卫生工作计划,进一步搞好劳动保护,增进
Education is the foundation. In order to better implement the strategic policy of rejuvenating our country through science and education, we must strengthen the building of a contingent of teachers and improve the quality of the teaching staff. To this end, this article through a statistical analysis of the causes of 10-year death of faculty members in a medical college in Gansu Province, aimed at making a plan for health work in the future and further improving labor protection and promoting