在鲜花盛开的五月,《农家参谋》迎来了创刊20周年。20年春与秋,饱含着艰辛与泪水,满载着鲜花与掌声。 20年前,在上级的关怀与支持下,在“科学的春天来到了”的声声召唤中,《科普田园》诞生了!20年里,从双月刊到月刊,从32页到48页,从一般印刷到四封彩色胶印,从《科普田园》到《农家参谋》,从沐浴改革的春风到经受市场经济大潮的洗礼,从名不见经传的”丑小鸭”到闻名全国的大刊,《农家参谋》栉风沐雨,从艰辛与泥泞中蹒跚走来。
In the blooming flower in May, “farm staff” ushered in the 20th anniversary of the founding. Spring and autumn 20, full of hardships and tears, filled with flowers and applause. Twenty years ago, with the care and support of its superiors, “Science Populace” was born in the voice of “The Spring of Science Arrives”! From the bimonthly issue to the monthly magazine in 20 years, from 32 pages to 48 pages, from Generally printed to four color offset printing, from “science populace pastoral” to “farm staff”, from the bathing spring breeze to withstand the tide of market economy baptism, from the unknown “ugly duckling” to the famous large-scale publication, “Farm Staff ”Wind and wind rain, from the hard and muddy hobble.