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资本充实责任旨在保护公司债权人利益,维护股东间权利义务相统一。其内容包括缴纳担保责任和差额填补责任,均为无过错的连带责任。新公司法规定出资期限章程自治、无最低注册资本限制和废除验资程序,加重了资本充实责任的严苛性。认缴制下资本充实责任的适用增加了有限责任原则突破的可能性,公司交易功能削弱,投资者间的利益平衡易被打破。我国现行的社会信用体系难以给予商事主体足够的信息获取途径以达到发起人之间应有的特殊信赖关系,因此宜构建健全的社会信用体系,同时确定发起人的先诉抗辩权、确立过错责任原则等路径以解决认缴制下资本充实责任的适用困境。 The responsibility of capital enrichment aims to protect the interests of creditors and safeguard the rights and obligations among shareholders. Its contents include paying the guarantee liability and the difference filling the liability, all are joint and several liability without fault. The new company law stipulates that the investment period autonomy of the constitution, no minimum registered capital restrictions and the abolition of capital verification procedures, aggravating the harshness of the capital to enrich the responsibility. The application of the responsibility of capital enrichment under the subscription system has increased the possibility of a breakthrough in the principle of limited liability and the trading function of the company has weakened and the balance of interests among investors can easily be broken. Therefore, it is necessary to construct a sound social credit system, at the same time to determine the sponsor’s right to defend the first complaint and establish the fault liability of the sponsor Principles and other ways to solve the subscription system under the plight of capital adequacy of the plight.
自从毛公鼎出土以后,它的传奇般的经历一直受到业界人士的关注。多年来,经过知情人士的不懈考证,毛公鼎出土后的曲折经历已经越来越清晰了。然而,不久前笔者在上海档案馆的一个发现,却又为我们揭开了毛公鼎经历中的一段鲜为人知的曲折内幕。  1843年(清朝道光二十三年)出土于陕西岐山的西周重器毛公鼎,因其铭文在出土的商周青铜器中篇幅最长而著称于世。鼎铭记述了周宣王册命毛公之事,对于研究西周晚期政治历史有重要
那天,同事和我聊起一个他亲历的教育案例。某次,他正站在讲台上讲课,教室后面一个叫民的同学从桌洞里掏出一瓶矿泉水,准备扔给远处另一个同学。“嘭”的一声,那瓶水做了个优美的抛物线运动,直接砸到了目标一侧的一个同学的脑袋上。被砸的同学叫源,是个性格暴躁的男孩,平日里,班中的男生哪个敢这样挑衅他?民有些傻了,呆呆地坐在那里。源果真猛地转头,一脸怒气,就要起身去教训民。  同事灵机一动,笑着说:“源同学真勇
智城城址    “直上千万仞,周围数十里。昂昂焉,写嵩岱之真容,隐隐焉,括蓬壶之雅趣……”。这是《智城碑》描绘的唐代廖州名山——智城山之景象,挺拔而不失俊秀,清幽有如仙境。因此,连明代大旅行家徐霞客也慕名一游,就实不足为奇了。  智城城址在智城山的一隅,位于上林县白圩镇爱长村智城垌。城址建于唐贞观八年(634年)至永淳元年(682年)之间,是唐代澄州刺史韦厥隐居的州所及其后裔唐代廖州刺史韦敬办的庄