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本刊92年第9期,93年第5、9两期刊发问题解答100题,93年第11期刊发名词解释50余则,94年7、8期合刊又刊发客观性练习题,受到广大自学者的热烈欢迎。应一些读者的要求,本刊特请熟稔本课程的教学并对自学统考有研究的老师编撰这一综合练习专辑,供广大自学者参考。对于自学者来说,还是要以考试大纲为依据,在全面理解和掌握教材内容的基础上进行自测练习,切忌舍本求末,搏傻猜题。只有对课程内容真正达到融会贯通,练习才能起到举一反三的作用。 The 92nd issue of 9th issue in 1993, the 5th and the 9th issue of 93 issue answers 100 questions, the 93th issue of 11th issue the explanation of the term more than 50, the 7th and the 8th issue of 94year also published the objective practice questions, By the vast majority of self-scholars warm welcome. At the request of some readers, this journal has invited you to familiarize yourself with the teaching of this course and compile this comprehensive exercise album for self-study examiners for the reference of the majority of self-learners. For self-scholar, or to the examination syllabus as the basis, in a comprehensive understanding of and grasp the content of the textbook based on self-test exercises, should not seek to beg the bottom, stroke silly guess the subject. Only when the content of the course has really reached a consensus can the teaching practice play a positive role.
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