繁殖赤眼蜂以往均用小蜂箱,随着大面积育蜂治虫工作的开展,房间繁蜂(即大房繁蜂或大空间繁蜂)速度快、质量好,又简便。现在已由一面繁蜂发展到二面、四面繁蜂,一般一间20平方米左右的小房间,可以日产赤眼蜂1亿~2亿头。为了进一步探讨这一方面的技术,兹就房间繁蜂的几个经验教训,讨论如下。 (一)繁蜂室的布置和要求: 房间繁蜂和蜂箱繁蜂原理相同,房间不需太大,有20平方米的房间就可以,我们称之为“房间繁蜂”。把一间有平顶的房间,在房间中的1/3处,用纤维板把房间分隔光源区和繁蜂区两间。
Trichogramma multiplication in the past are used small bee hives, with a large area of breeding beekeeping work carried out, the room bumble bee (ie large room bumblebee or large space bumblebee) fast, good quality and simple. Now it has been developed from the side to the side of the bustling, surrounded by bumblebee, a small room of about 20 square meters, you can Nissan Trichogramma 100000000 ~ 2000000000. In order to further explore the technology in this area, I will discuss the following several lessons learned from the room bustling. (A) the arrangement and requirements of the breezy chamber: the room bumblebee and beehive bees principle the same, the room need not be too large, 20 square meters of the room can be, we call it “room bumble bee.” A flat-topped room, in the room 1/3, the room with fiberboard to separate the light source area and breezy zone two.