1.硒的发见和来源 1817年瑞典贝齐里鸟斯(Jons Jakob Berzelius)从焙烧铜矿发生SO_2以製備硫酸时发现铅室壁底上附有红色残滓,把它拿去加熟,发出像爛蘿卜似的臭味。经过研究確定是一種新元素稱为Selenium,衍自Selene,在希臘交的原意为月亮。我国定名曰硒。硒在地壳中分佈尚属广泛,據专家估计,含量至少可与金溴相比肩,但是平常我们都把它当作稀有元素,其原因即由於硒常产於铜银金和镍铜共生的广石,以及鐵的硫化物矿石中,含量不多,必须在冶煉廠或硫酸廠内附设回收车间方可裂得。 2.硒的性質与製備硒带有金属与非金属的二重性,共有四种变体,最穩定的状态为六方晶系的金属,呈灰色;其次为單斜晶系非金属,又分为α-型和β-型,呈红色;若将液态硒冷却,当温度降到熔點附近、由於粘度很
Selenium Discovery and Sources In 1817 Sweden Jons Jakob Berzelius found SO 2 from the roasted copper mine to produce sulfuric acid. When the sulfuric acid was found, a red residue was found on the bottom of the lead chamber. Like rotten radish smell. After research to determine is a new element called Selenium, derived from Selene, made in Greece, the original meaning of the moon. China’s name is selenium. Selenium in the crust is still widely distributed, according to expert estimates, at least with the content of gold and bromine shoulder, but usually we have it as a rare element, the reason that selenium is often produced in copper and silver and nickel copper symbiosis Stone, and iron sulfide ore, the content is small, must be smelter or sulfuric acid plant attached to the recovery shop before they can split. 2. Selenium properties and preparation of selenium with metal and non-metallic duality, there are four variants, the most stable state of hexagonal metal, gray; followed by the monoclinic non-metallic, is divided into α - type and β-type, red; if the liquid selenium cooling, when the temperature dropped to near the melting point, due to the viscosity is very