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1 学会有参政咨询的职能作用 国家科协颁布的《自然科学专门学会组织通则》第3条任务中,明确指出自然科学专门学会对国家科学发展战略、政策和经济建设中的重大决策进行科学咨询,接受委托科技项目论证、科技成果鉴定、技术职务水平评定、科技文献和标准的编审、提供技术咨询和技术服务。这是国家科协对国内所有各自 1 Learn to have the function of participating in political consultation. In the task of Article 3 of the “General Principles of the Society of Natural Sciences” promulgated by the National Association for Science and Technology, it is clearly stated that the Institute of Natural Sciences conducts scientific consultations on major national scientific development strategies, policies, and major decisions in economic construction. , Accept commissioned science and technology project demonstration, identification of scientific and technological achievements, assessment of technical posts, review of scientific and technological literature and standards, provision of technical advice and technical services. This is the National Association for Science and Technology
为庆祝德国欧米勒钢琴创立1 90周年,德国驻广州总领事馆、德意志联邦共和国钢琴制造业协会、德意志联邦共和国博兰斯勒钢琴基金会共同主办的“德中同行——欧米勒钢琴公开赛
桃蛀螟(Dichocrocis punctiferalis Guenée)是一种重要的农林害虫,分布遍及全国,危害寄主极广。去年,我省龙泉县城后山百余亩马尾松纯林中发现该虫危害。以幼虫啃食松针和
1982年春天在山东省泰安地区,发现淡竹(Phyllostachys glauca Mccl.)丛核病,俗称扫帚病、鸟巢病.病枝比较细小,植株节间缩短,小枝丛生,叶子变小(封二左下).发病时,往往一枝
仙客来又名一品冠(Cyclamen persicumMill),为一种观赏植物。冬、春季开花,以种籽传代,是我国重要的出口花卉。近年来因患病,严重影响生产。仙客来患病后,叶片反卷, Cyclam
妈妈:以后您不要当着老师的面说我在家不好好练琴好吗?河北石家庄市槐安东路许润涵 Mom: After you do not say in front of the teacher I’m not at home to practice the
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