“靠一身正气当官”是河南省鹤壁市郊区广大干部、职工对人武部卢起祥部长的评价。 卢起祥2000年初从野战部队调入郊区人武部,刚调入时,他发现人武部上班时间不见人,不到下班关了门,管理松散、作风稀拉、纪律松弛的现象十分突出。针对这些不良现象,他从建立健全正规化管理制度入手,严格按照条令、条例规范全体人员的言行,制定完善了各类人员职责和“八不准”,即不准迟到;不准早退;上班时间不准会客;上班时间不准着便装;不准不假外出;不准打麻将;不准打扑克;不准玩电脑游戏。设立了岗位津贴,使岗位津贴与平时表现挂钩,并
“Relying on an upright official” is the vast area of Hebi City, Henan Province, a large number of cadres, workers on the Ministry of People’s Armed Services Lu Qixiang’s assessment. When Lu Qixiang was transferred from the Field Troops to the Sub-District People’s Armed Forces Department at the beginning of 2000, when he just transferred in, he found that the Armed Forces did not have time to go to work or closed the door to get off work after his departure. The management was lax and the style was weak and the discipline was slackened. In response to these adverse phenomena, he started with the establishment and improvement of the formalized management system and strictly followed the rules and regulations to standardize the deeds and deeds of all personnel. He formulated and perfected the duties and responsibilities of all categories of personnel and “eight is not allowed”, that is, not allowed to be late; Time is not allowed to attend; working hours are not allowed to dress; allowed to leave; not allowed to play mahjong; not allowed to play poker; are not allowed to play computer games. Post allowance was set up so that post allowance was linked to usual performance