Safety of same-day endoscopic ultrasound and endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography under co

来源 :World Journal of Gastroenterology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:descendant_of_shang
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AIM: To assess the tolerability and safety of same-day tandem procedures, endoscopic ultrasound (EUS) followed by endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) under conscious sedation. METHODS: A retrospective review was conducted at Loma Linda University Medical Center, a tertiary-care center. All 54 patients who underwent EUS followed by ERCP (group A) from 2004 to 2006 were included in the study. A second group of 56 patients who underwent EUS only (group B), and a third group of 53 patients who underwent ERCP only (group C) during the same time period were selected consecutively as control groups for comparison. RESULTS: Conscious sedation was used in 96% of patients in group A. Mean dosages of meperidine and midazolam used in group A were signifi cantly higher than in group B or C. Mean recovery time in group A was not statistically longer than in group B or C. Therewas no signifi cant difference in the incidence of sedation-related and procedural-related complications. CONCLUSION: Tandem EUS/ERCP procedure can be safely performed under conscious sedation with minimal adverse events. Combined procedures, however, are associated with higher dosages of sedatives, and slightly longer recovery time. AIM: To assess the tolerability and safety of same-day tandem procedures, endoscopic ultrasound (EUS) followed by endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) under conscious sedation. METHODS: A retrospective review conducted conducted at Loma Linda University Medical Center, a tertiary-care All 54 patients who underwent EUS followed by ERCP (group A) from 2004 to 2006 were included in the study. A second group of 56 patients who underwent EUS only (group B), and a third group of 53 patients who underwent ERCP only Conscious sedation was used in 96% of patients in group A. Mean dosages of meperidine and midazolam used in group A were signifi cantly higher than in group B or C. Mean recovery time in group A was not statistically longer than in group B or C. Therewas no signifi cant difference in the incidence of sedation-related and procedural-related complications. C ONCLUSION: Tandem EUS / ERCP procedure can be safely performed under conscious sedation with minimal adverse events. However, are, associated with higher dosages of sedatives, and slightly longer recovery time.
新学期开学第一天无非是升国旗、开会、大扫除,折腾得差不多了,再回到班里重复后面两项。  “李加菲,你说一会儿分座位,我会不会挨着帅哥?” 我一边擦玻璃一边小声地问旧同学——今年文科班收成不好,都是歪瓜劣枣啊。  “喂,那个蓝汪汪同学,你挨着挨不着帅哥我不管,但你不能老是逮着一块玻璃擦啊,都快把人家擦成‘葛优’啦!”不知道谁大嘴巴抢在李加菲前答话,而且毫无顾忌,弄得新同学齐刷刷地往这边看,我的小脸腾
伴随着2009年的第一缕阳光,《中学政史地》(初中适用版)迎来了又一个生日。  在2008年的征程中,《中学政史地》(初中适用版)努力贯彻新课改理念,以推进素质教育为己任,以服务基础教育、服务课程改革、服务广大师生为办刊宗旨,坚持科学性、针对性、权威性、适用性、趣味性的办刊方针,形成了学科间综合和学科内综合的办刊特色,为广大中学师生提供了一道道学习知识、拓展视野的精神盛宴。  时政要闻、热点题解栏
一、征文对象:全国各地在校初中生二、征文主题:用自然的笔调书写百感交集的五昧感情用真实的语言表达酸涩疼痛的内心世界 First, the object of the essay: students acros