灌浆在工程建筑物中应用很广,下面介绍二例灌浆在水下建筑物中的应用。 在流速较大,受冲刷较严重的区域搞水下建筑物,可以采用钻孔灌浆锚固的办法来满足建筑物的稳定要求。如图1所示,在浅桥墩基位置布置要求数量的钻孔(一般采用100型钻机即可),在有条件的情况下进行扩孔更为可靠。孔的深度与锚筋的规格按设计要求决定。灌浆前将孔冲洗干净、插入
Grouting is widely used in engineering buildings. Here are two applications of grouting in underwater structures. In the larger flow rate, the more serious scouring of the area to engage in underwater structures, drilling and grouting can be used to anchor the way to meet the stability requirements of the building. As shown in Figure 1, laying a required number of bores at the base of the pier of a shallow bridge (generally using a 100-type drilling rig), reaming can be more reliable under conditions. Hole depth and anchor bar specifications according to design requirements. Rinse the hole before grouting and insert