日本经济学界大体上分为三派,即一、马克思经济学派;二、近代经济学派;三、官厅经济学派。都留重人是官厅经济学派中属于资产阶级学派理论观点的著名学者。他没有多少大部头的著作,但文章很多。他的《著作集》目前在日本已经出版了20多集。本刊第23期(1989年) 《都留重人的社会资本主义论》作者,对笔者在本刊第19期《日本经济学界围绕“法人资本主义论”展开的论战》 (四)的末尾“附带说一句”一段话提出了质疑,现在回答如下:
Japan's economic circle generally divided into three factions, namely, one, the Marxist school of economics; two, the modern school of economics; All are prominent scholars in the official school of economics, belonging to the theoretical view of the bourgeois school. He does not have a lot of big books, but a lot of articles. His “Book of Collections” has now been published in Japan for more than 20 episodes. (1989) The author of the thesis “All Left Social Capitalism”, the author of the author in the 19th issue of “Japanese economic circles around” legal capitalism “debate” (d) At the end of the sentence, “Incidentally,” a passage questioned, the answer is now as follows: