中共营口市委书记许仕廉,借用了个比喻来说明营口对外开放的状况,他说:“一趟班车,我们争着上去,虽然没有‘坐位’,但毕竟上了车,能够较快地前进了”。这种状况,他称之为“半开放”。 所谓“半开放”,是指营口市能享受14个沿海开放城市的某些待遇、优惠政策,但国家不给外汇额,当地要运用自己的力量去创汇、用汇,以引进外资和技术。因此,人们又称这种方式为“穷开放”。 事情的缘起是这样的:1984年初,国务院决定对外开放沿海14个城市,但
Xu Shilian, party secretary of the CPC Yingkou Municipal Party Committee, borrowed a metaphor to illustrate the opening of Yingkou. He said: “We are going to fight for a bus. Although we do not have a seat, we get into the car quickly and can move forward faster. . This situation, he called ”semi-open.“ The so-called ”semi-open“ means that Yingkou can enjoy certain treatment and preferential policies in 14 coastal open cities. However, the state does not give foreign exchange and the locality should use its own power to earn foreign exchange and use foreign exchange to introduce foreign capital and technology. Therefore, people also call it ”poor and open". The origin of things is this: In early 1984, the State Council decided to open 14 coastal cities to the outside world, but