During the production season, especially in the multiple seasons of pests and diseases, farmer friends spray pesticides almost every few days. He recently went to the countryside to interview and found that some peasants have done very poorly in the custody of pesticides and drugstores. For example, some put bottles of pesticide and residual pesticide on windowsill, under the bed, and some drop them in the yard, or even Some people put pesticides in the kitchen. Sprayers and other medical equipment maintenance even more attention, and some on the wall, and some hanging in the trees, throwing in the yard, despite the wind, sun and rain, which can only shorten the life of the sprayer. Household storage of pesticides if not properly stored, it is easy to cause human and animal poisoning. For example, in 1984, a member of Longyao County mixed carbofuran soak with soy sauce and vinegar,