近年来,随着政治、经济改革的不断深入,我国教育界的改革也在紧锣密鼓中进行着。近一个时期,我国高中教育改革中引人注目的一件大事就是已经于1997年秋季在江西省、山西省和天津市全面展开的“高中新课程方案”的试验工作,为了使教育界的同仁更好地了解这一教育改革的情况,应《物理通报》编辑之约,现就我所知,将有关情况向大家做一介绍,同时谈谈我们在新的高中教材编写中是如何贯彻这次课改精神的。1 新课程方案的制定情况国家教委早在80年代研究制定九年义务教育课程方案时,就提出了高中阶段的课程改革分两步
In recent years, with the continuous deepening of political and economic reforms, the reform of the education sector in China is still in full swing. In the recent period, one of the most noticeable events in China’s senior high school education reform was the experimental work of the “high school new curriculum program” that was already in full swing in Jiangxi Province, Shanxi Province and Tianjin City in the autumn of 1997 in order to make education My colleagues have a better understanding of the situation in this education reform. I should write a copy of the “Physical Bulletin”. I will now give you an introduction to the situation and talk about how we are involved in the preparation of new high school textbooks. Implement the spirit of this reform. 1 The development of the new curriculum plan The State Education Commission drafted a nine-year compulsory education curriculum plan as early as in the 1980s and proposed two steps for the reform of the high school curriculum.