患者,男,54岁。因急性扁桃腺炎于1993年8月21日来诊。给予口服氨苄青霉素胶囊(香港生产)0.5g,每天3次。服药20分钟后出现全身冒汗、恶心、胸闷、全身皮肤潮红、发痒。但无发热、呕吐、腹泻等。既往有青霉素皮试过敏史。查体:P116次/分,BP16/10kPa。神志清,全身皮肤潮红,有细小皮疹,皮肤多汗。心率116次/分,律齐,各瓣膜区无病理杂音。余(一)。诊断:氨苄青霉素过敏。立即停用氨苄青霉素,给予肌注苯海拉明20mg,静注50%葡萄糖加地塞米松2mg 及口服息斯敏10mg 后症状好转,次日皮疹消
Patient, male, 54 years old. Acute tonsillitis in August 21, 1993 visit. To give oral ampicillin capsules (Hong Kong production) 0.5g, 3 times a day. 20 minutes after taking the whole body sweating, nausea, chest tightness, systemic skin flushing, itchy. But no fever, vomiting, diarrhea and so on. Past history of penicillin allergy test. Physical examination: P116 times / min, BP16 / 10kPa. Conscious, systemic skin flushing, a small rash, sweating skin. Heart rate 116 beats / min, law Qi, the valve area no pathological noise. I (a). Diagnosis: Ampicillin allergy. Immediately stop ampicillin, intramuscular injection of diphenhydramine 20mg, intravenous 50% glucose plus dexamethasone 2mg and oral astemizole 10mg symptoms improved, the next day rash