河南是中华民族文化的发祥地,是我国最古老的文字档案——甲骨档案的故乡。然而,由于历史变迁,战乱频仍,特别是国民党反动派统治时期水旱蝗汤的祸害,反映河南历史面貌的档案材料几乎荡然无存。建国以来,在党和政府的直接领导下,随着国家档案事业的兴起,我省档案事业也逐步建立和发展起来。特别是党的十一届三中全会以后。经过拨乱反正,我省档案工作在恢复中求发展,在整顿中促提高,呈现了勃勃生机。其主要标志是: 全省机关档案工作方兴未艾。我省县以上各级直属机关、企事业单位和乡级党政机关都建立了档案工作。截止1983年6月底,共有档案室一万二千多个,配备档案干部一万八千多人,其中专职干部占三分之一。这些档案室拥有文书、科技档案410
Henan is the birthplace of Chinese culture, is the oldest text file in China - the hometown of Oracle files. However, due to the historical changes and frequent wars, especially the scourges of the water locust soup during the Kuomintang reactionary rule, archives that reflect the historical landscape of Henan have almost vanished. Since the founding of the People’s Republic of China, with the direct leadership of the party and the government, with the rise of the national archives, the archives of our province have also been gradually established and developed. Especially after the Third Plenary Session of the Eleventh Party. After all the efforts were made to rectify the disorder, the archives work in our province sought development in the process of restoration and was promoted in reorganization and showed great vitality. The main symbol is: the province’s archives work in the ascendant. Directly under the county above the county level organs, enterprises and institutions and township party and government agencies have established a file. As of the end of June 1983, a total of more than 12,000 archives, with more than 18,000 file cadres, including one-third of full-time cadres. These archives have documents, technology files 410