Apparent Mobilities of Na~+, K~+and Ca~(2+) Ions in Variable Charge Soil Colloid Systems

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In this paper a simple method for determination of the apparent mobility of cation in a soil colloid system was described. With this method apparent mobilities of Na+, K+, and Ca2+ ions in the systems of the ferric luvisol, acrisol, and ferralsol were determined, and the reduction percentages of the mobilities were calculated. The results showed that the apparent mobilities of different cations at the same normality in a given soil system were in the order UNa> UK> UCa; those of the same cations among different soil systems were in the order ferralsol > acrisol > ferric luvisol, but the reduction percentages were in a reverse order, which among different cations at the same normality was Ca2+> K+> Na+ for ferric luvisol and acrisol systems, but was K+> Ca2+> Na+ for farralsol system. These results were interpreted in terms of different amounts of negative charge the clay fraction of different soils carries, and different mechanisms by which the soils adsorb the cations. In this paper a simple method for determination of the apparent mobility of cation in a soil colloid system was described. With this method apparent mobilities of Na +, K +, and Ca2 + ions in the systems of the ferric luvisol, acrisol, and ferralsol were determined, and the reduction percentages of the mobilities were calculated. The results showed that the apparent mobilities of different cations at the same normality in a given soil system were in the order UNa> UK> UCa; those of the same cations among different soil systems were in the order ferralsol> acrisol> ferric luvisol, but the reduction percentages were in a reverse order, which among different cations at the same normality was Ca2 +> K +> Na + for ferric luvisol and acrisol systems, but was K +> Ca2 +> Na + for farralsol system These results were interpreted in terms of different amounts of negative charge the clay fraction of different soils carries, and different mechanisms by which the soils adsorb the cations.
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