After the founding of New China, there were four debates on the nature of literature. The first is a controversy around the view that literature is humanity and the second is the controversy over “literary subjectivity” initiated by Liu Zaifu. The political and cultural forces external to academic research dominate these two debates . The third is a controversy against the theory of literary aesthetic ideology, in which academic independence is respected and the differences between the humanities and the logic of natural science are ignored. The fourth is the “anti-essentialism” controversy triggered by Tao Dongfeng and Nan Fan. The rethinking of the logic of the humanities disciplines unfolds in the debate. Truth and constructivism are valued and affirmed as two important characteristics of the humanities. On the whole, the four debates on the nature of literature show the Chinese scholars’ reflections on the orientation of the study of the theory of literary theory: from external domination to academic self-reliance, from liberal arts to the logical reflection of the humanities. This kind of thinking is the precondition of reconstructing the discourse of literary theory and an important window of academic exchanges between China and the West.