
来源 :大众心理学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:JK0803_liuchao
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一、全面了解,针对性教学我们对全校智障儿童进行了瑞文智商测试。进一步了解学生的智力状况,积累数据,为研究进行定量分析奠定了基础,构建起纵向比较交的底线模型。当然,对学生以上的了解和认识还是远远不够的,对学生的全面了解更在于日常生活的点滴中,留心真实自然的他们,从而记录下他们真实的行为表现、情绪变化等多种基本 First, a comprehensive understanding of the targeted teaching We conducted a school of mentally handicapped children Ruijin IQ test. Further understanding of the intelligence of students, the accumulation of data for the quantitative research laid the foundation for building a vertical comparison of the bottom line model. Of course, more understanding and understanding of students is still not enough, a comprehensive understanding of students lies in the daily life bit by bit, pay attention to their true nature, and thus record their true behavior, emotional changes and other basic
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