最早见于企业公关、广告活动的策划,90年代进入新闻领域后,迅速风靡新闻界。随着信息共享带来的同题竞争,新闻策划越来越成为新闻媒体间一争高下的法宝,应该指出,近年来,在新闻媒体组织策划的新闻报道中,确实有一批报道给读者、观众带来了耳目一新的感觉。但当媒体沉浸在策划热的时候,冷静地审视思考近年来的某些新闻策划。仍有很多问题会引起我们的思考。 选题的媚俗化倾向
The earliest seen in corporate public relations, advertising campaign planning, 90 years into the field of news, quickly swept the press. With the competition for the same topics brought by information sharing, news planning has become a magic weapon in the battle for news media. It should be pointed out that in recent years, there have been a number of reports in the news reports planned by news media organizations to readers. The audience brought a refreshing feeling. However, when the media is immersed in the planning fever, I calmly examine and think about certain news plans in recent years. There are still many problems that will arouse our thinking. The theme of the kitsch tendency