男患,58岁。入院前一周下午在上班途中突觉周身不适,随即大汗、头迷、呕吐三次为咖啡样物。当时无头痛、抽搐、意识障碍及尿便障碍。急诊以上消化道出血收住院。入院后柏油便一次。第三天出现头痛,呈持续性胀痛,嗜睡。脑 CT 确诊原发性脑室出血转神经科。既注血压偏高一年,未服用降压药。查体:嗜睡,言语尚流利。颅神经(-),运动、感觉均正常,病理征
Male suffering, 58 years old. One week before admission, he suddenly felt uncomfortable on the way to work, then sweating, the first fans, vomiting three times for the coffee samples. At that time, no headache, convulsions, disturbance of consciousness and urine stool. Emergency Department of Gastrointestinal bleeding admitted to hospital. After the asphalt will be once. The third day of headache, persistent pain, lethargy. Brain CT diagnosis of primary ventricular hemorrhage turn neurology. Both high blood pressure injection for one year, did not take antihypertensive drugs. Physical examination: lethargy, the language is still fluent. Cranial nerve (-), exercise, feel normal, pathological sign