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  When Avril Lavigne released her second album in 2004, the full-of-life teen pop star announced that she was growing up. On that year’s Under My Skin, punky songs were replaced largely with grammatically correct rock songs about teen 1)dilemmas. The black-and-white wild images make it clear that Avril was dealing with some serious late-teen issues.
  Today, Avril, 22, is done with all that.
  On April 17th, she released her third album, The Best Damn Thing, and the mood is lighter.
  “I was just so over writing such serious songs,”Avril said. “Even though they really weren’t that serious. I went through a little dark time when I was 18 and wrote Under My Skin. But I grew out of that.”“Musically, I didn’t know where I was going to go on this record. I totally did not even think about it. I had no theme. I was thinking more about the music and the spirit”The spirit of her latest single “Girlfriend,”which has been playing over and over again throughout the Internet since March, is pure high school, with shout-outs and hand claps. Avril put herself in the character of a rather 2)pompous girl, who is determined to steal a guy from his girlfriend.
  All signs point to Avril’s moving towards a lighter…r colorful approach to her music for The Best Damn Thing. If the 22-year-old sounds like a kid again, it’s only because she realized that having fun is more important than maturing.
  3)Multilingual New Single
  “It’s so funny. It’s weird. It doesn’t even sound like me,?says Avril Lavigne, about what it’s like for her to hear her Mandarin translation of “Girlfriend.?Aside from English, the punk princess recorded the 4)chorus to the fun, fast rock song in seven different languages ?Japanese, Portuguese, German, Spanish, French, Italian, and Mandarin.
  “Mandarin and Portuguese are really hard; French is easy and Japanese was the easiest one,”says Avril, who spent two challenging days working with translators, trying to get all the 5)syllables to fit the melody, and ensure she was singing them correctly.
  Noting how one small difference in pronunciation can change the entire meaning of a song, Avril said she made sure the translators were in the studio with her when she recorded each version. “It was really, really hard,”she says. She doesn’t know if she”ll attempt it again.
  “We tried Hindi twice, but the 6)diction and the 7)meter of how you sing Hindi, 8)versus the western 9)rhythms, just didn’t match, and we just couldn’t 10)pull it off,?McBride, the CEO of Nettwerk Music Group, said in an interview.
  11)Appealing to Asian fans is key with Avril’s new material. McBride revealed that the 12)consumption of Lavigne’s music in Asia is greater than in all of the Western Hemisphere combined.
  The largest chunks of Lavigne fans seem to live in Beijing and other Chinese cities, he said.
  There will be global promotion following the release of The Best Damn Thing, such as a small concert held in Hong Kong in May and similar events in other places. Avril, whose first two albums, Let Go and Under My Skin, have sold a combined 23 million copies, has toured all over the world. Now a new tour is set to begin in February, 2008.
  Do You Know?
  Avril’s reach has also been extended to the Internet, with a role in a manga-inspired online comic named Make 5 Wishes. The series, which will be offered online and via cell phones, feature original songs unavailable elsewhere.


在本期“口语角”栏目里,我们请来了欧美电视剧《老友记》(又译《六人行》)中的六个性格各异、风趣幽默的男女主角和大家一起笑说口语。他们的语速较快且使用了一些口语化词语,比如C’mon=come on, gonna=going to等等。请注意模仿说话者的语气,揣摩讲幽默的技巧。    背景1:雷切尔在众朋友的劝服下,要剪掉所有父母给她的附属信用卡,尝试不依赖父母,独立生活。    Monica: C
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