通过室内土壤埋样实验,采用电化学阻抗谱(EIS)和极化技术研究了X80管线钢在红壤泥浆中的早期腐蚀行为。结果表明,X80管线钢在水饱和红壤中腐蚀初期(15 d内)的EIS具有两个时间常数特征,高频端呈现土壤介质特征容抗弧,10-2~104Hz频区为腐蚀界面反应过程对应的容抗弧,低频区(<10-2)为点蚀形核期产生的感抗弧;腐蚀30 d后电极反应过程受扩散过程控制。提出了红壤对管线钢的高腐蚀性与红壤铁氧化物间的关联。
Through the soil embedded experiment in laboratory, the corrosion behavior of X80 pipeline steel in red mud was studied by electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) and polarization techniques. The results show that the EIS of X80 pipeline steel has two time constants in the initial period of erosion (15 d) in red soil saturated with water, and the characteristic dielectric arc of soil medium appears at the high frequency end. The frequency range of 10-2 ~ 104 Hz is the reaction process of the corrosion interface The corresponding capacitive arc resistance and low frequency region (<10-2) are the inductive arc generated during pitting nucleation. The electrode reaction process is controlled by the diffusion process after 30 days of corrosion. The relationship between high corrosiveness of pipeline steel and iron oxide in red soil was proposed.